Understanding the importance of multi-skilling for engineers
project management
Simple meaning of multi-skilling is the practice of a single employee in several skill-sets. In other words, the people who have many different skills or knowledge and are working on several different kind of the projects, which may or may not be the part of the person’s technical job description.
Importance of multi skilling
The company with multi-skilled engineers gets the advantage of having a flexible staff, which offers them the ability to plan and organize employees to best suitable project. One employee can fill up for any absent employees work in any other area. For example a developer with multi-skills can work on the behalf of the designer or the consultant in the organization.
Learning project management
Engineer learns planning and scheduling and to manage their in hand project while developing it. It helps increasing efficiency of the project as well as improve the engineers understanding in management.
Employee Satisfaction
Multi-skilled employees are not susceptible by uselessness when a new technology arrives and make change in the process of working, as they have been continuously in habit of learning new skills this cannot really affect their work. It also increase their morale in their work and ability, which takes the business to increases the efficiency of the production.
When engineers are provided the training for multi-skilling it directly affect the businesses as the trainees start to become experts and begin disbursing their practice. At the engineering level it results in the efficient production and also multi skilled employees decrease the labor cost. Keen employees at rational payment carry out engineering tasks and obtain valued contact to ‘real life’ engineering, and both sides get to shape a relationship that may take them to employment prospects.