Effective Decision Makers – Successful Managers
Decision making is a thought process of making a rational choice from the existing options. When we try to make a good decision we must weigh the pros and cons of each option, and consider all the substitutions. To take an effective decision a person should be able to estimate the result of each option as well as base the decision on all the limitations spread across. He should be able to determine which selection is the best for his or her particular decision or situation. People frequently find it hard to make decisions but everyone has to make decisions all the time some are much more important than others.
Some people tend to do away with decision making by limitlessly looking for more evidence or getting other people to give their suggestions. Some others route to making decision by carrying out voting techniques for a particular choice. Apart from the effort that is put into decision making, it must be accepted that few decisions will not be the best possible choice. There must have been a choice that was better and had not been given consideration, or the required information might not have been accessible at the time.
So it is important to keep a track of all important decisions and their consequences so that the decision making process can be improvised in the future. Decision Making is the act of making a choice between two or more sequences of action’. Retrospection might not be able to correct previous mistakes, but it will help in taking improved decisions for the future. Though decisions can be made using either instinct or cognitive, a blend of both methods is often used. Before making a decision, it should be clear who is going to take responsibility for the decision made as it is not always the responsibility of the decision maker alone. One should always remember that there may not always be a perfect decision among the enlisted choices. An effective organizer will be able to freeze a particular choice or decision on account of his experience, skills and knowledge. Therefore make quick and effective decisions to manage and succeed better for an individual’s or the organization’s success